
Website Redesign / Rebrand / Product Design

2 Projects

Website Redesign

Progressive App

Website Redesign

The Overview

Bushtracks is a luxury African Safari outfitter. They tailor personalized safaris by thoughtfully constructing each trip to match client preferences.

The Problem

Bushtracks’ wasn’t getting enough conversions online. The website’s functionality needed more focus. Visitors found it hard to find necessary information, especially with the site navigation not being user-friendly.

The Solution

Increase revenue by converting users to book safaris on the website and build their customer base. Focused on creating a better experience by redesigning the information architecture so users can navigate through the website seamlessly and find important information easily. As well as give the brand a new look and feel that accurately reflects their luxury aesthetic.

At the start of the project it was ideal to establish the new visual direction. Since Bushtracks, by nature, is a luxury style brand we wanted to be sure to reflect this aesthetic throughout the experience. My Design Director and I thoughtfully chose a natural color palette that represented the African safari landscape and a typography that gave a more sophisticated and refined look

Once the visual direction was established we shifted our focus to content organization. To plan how content and visual components should be prioritized within the site architecture, we wireframed key pages. This also ensured consistency in how we were displaying information across the site.

The final design improved the user experience by unifying the site architecture and rebranding the visual direction. Individual trip pages were strategically laid out and populated with engaging visuals so users were presented with all the proper information they needed to make the decision to book a trip.

The new website would be responsive. To ensure consistency across devices I created mocks and design specifications for desktop, tablet, and mobile sizes.

Progressive app

Bushtracks Trip Builder app is a counterpart of the website that enhances the user’s experience. The mobile experience allows users to engage with Bushtracks before, during and after their trip.

The Overview

The Problem

There was a disconnect between users and Bushtracks during the customer journey. Users had difficulty booking trips, knowing what tasks to complete before their trips, having their itinerary accessible during their trips, and being able to view their past trips.

The Solution

Provide an accessible user-friendly experience for users throughout their entire journey.

An app that gives a more meaningful connection between Bushtracks and their clients

The app allows users to discover & book trips easily on their phone as well as connect with a Bushtracks’ outfitter throughout any point in their journey

Customizable features that gives the user the power to build their perfect safari expedition. Features also give the users peace-of-mind by making their itinerary easily accessible on the app as well as saving past trips so the user can revisit those memories at any given moment

Journey onto the next project